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At present, a total of 7 hospitals in Changsha have carried out auxiliary reproductive tec…

At present, a total of 7 hospitals in Changsha have carried out auxiliary reproductive technologies, of which only CITIC Xiangya and Xiangya Hospital have carried out third -generation IVFs, and the technology is more authoritative. The following is a detailed introduction of these two hospitals:

1. CITIC Xiangya Reproductive and Genetic Hospital.

It is one of the first hospitals in Changsha to carry out pre -embryonic genetic diagnosis technology. In 2012, the hospital was born with PGD/PGS IVF babies. It adopted a whole genome sequencing technology. Babies born in 2016 excluded chromosomal balance through MicroseQ and were born in Hunan in 2019.

2. Xiangya Hospital of Central South University.

It is the first reproductive center in Hunan Province to obtain human assisted reproductive technology. In June 1988, the second IVF was born in mainland China. At present, the hospital has successfully used the pre -implantation of premium genetic diagnosis technology to help countless families successfully pregnant.

The above is an introduction to two hospitals with three -generation IVF technology in Changsha. At present, the production of three-generation test tubes in these two hospitals requires about 40,000 to 100,000 yuan. If sperm supply and egg supply are involved, the cost will be higher.

作者: admin





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